Most importantly this month, check plants daily to see if they need watering. Newly planted trees and shrubs will be especially vulnerable to dry conditions.
Lift and divide overcrowded bulbs, including snowdrops and bluebells, once their leaves are turning yellow.
Harvest early potatoes – usually 10 weeks from planting.
Continue to earth up later harvested potatoes in order to get the best crop possible.
The guide for harvesting your potato crop is as follows:
Pinch out the side shoots on your tomato plants to ensure the best possible crop. You can start to feed the plants once the first fruits start to show.
Begin to harvest any salad crops that are ready and plant new seeds to get crops throughout the season.
Keep newly seeded or turfed lawns well-watered throughout the summer so that it gets the best chance to bed in.
Keep lawn edges in order with an edging blade or install lawn edging to make future maintenance easier.
Prune the dead stems of early flowering clematis after flowering.
Tie in climbing plants such as roses and sweet peas.
Plant out your final summer bedding plants now that the frosts have passed.
Make sure that your taller perennials are staked to avoid unnecessary wind damage. It’s easier to stake plants when they are younger. This avoids damaging the flowers and blooms in later summer.
Protect your soft fruit crops from birds and squirrels with netting.
Remember to feed any fruit bushes that are in planters with products such as Neudorff Organic Multipurpose Feed.

Neudorff Organic Multipurpose Feed is ideal for fruit bushes
Keep an eye out for slugs on and around soft perennial plants and annuals. We have a range of organic and pet-friendly products.
Keep your bird bath topped up in the warmer weather.
Check all plants for aphids and other pests – we have a range of organic pesticides available.
Take some time to enjoy your garden now the days are getting longer. As it can still be chilly in the evening, why not consider a firepit or a chiminea to keep the chill off?

Pick up a firepit in store so you can enjoy your garden well into the evening!