Roses, Alpines, Clematis & Climbers
Once a regular of the 1970s rockery – the Alpine plant has made a comeback – and what a hardy lot they are.
If you have doubts about Alpines then you are not alone – but worry not! According to the Alpine Society climate change is becoming a subject of increasing concern to British gardeners, with dryer summers and hosepipe restrictions. The good news is that there are many alpine plants from southern Europe and elsewhere, which are very drought-resistant when established and flower freely, especially in spring, summer and autumn.
Surviving just as well in the winter as in the summer this lovely group of plants can be soil-bound or grown in containers.
Here at Burston we stock a huge selection of these; plus Roses, Clematis and climbing plants for you to explore in store.
With modern gardens becoming smaller, a wider range of smaller alpines can be grown in a limited space. You can grow alpines without a rock garden. Year-round interest can be obtained with alpines planted in a sink or trough placed on a patio or even planted into the crevices between paving stones in patio or path.
With alpines you can travel the world without leaving your own garden!